15 Ridiculous Quotes from my Psychotic Law Lecturer

Joshua John Smithe
2 min readJul 14, 2021

I spent one year studying law. It’s all I could manage. In the second semester I studied Torts and didn’t understand a thing.

But I kept going to the classes because of the lecturer. He was a large, crazy, middle aged American man. He wore a poncho to class — always the same poncho.

During lockdown I looked back on my notes for that unit (who knows why). Turns out I didn’t take much down about the legal stuff, but I did keep a record of a bunch of things he said to us.

  1. “Law is all about money.”
  2. “When you go home tonight and watch SBS World News at 6.30, the only question that should run through your minds when you hear of such horrors like a bus full of Indian people that plummets off a cliff, or a Saudi Arabian train that explodes because someone lit something incorrectly, or when an Air Malaysia plane full of thousands of people goes missing over the sea is… COMPENSATION??? Who owes money to whom? How much? And how can I prove it in a court of law?”
  3. “You don’t have souls.”
  4. “You all watch Doctor Who. You all watch Star Trek. You’re all geeks.”
  5. “The only thing that keeps me going every day when I’m riding the stupid Metro train, is the prospect of seeing your churlish and sunny faces every day, and…



Joshua John Smithe

Joshua John Smithe (25) writes mostly poetry, short fiction and things for screen. He lives in Melbourne, rides bikes, runs long and enjoys croissants.